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Country Weddings

Our family farm offers breathtaking vistas, sprawling pasture land, and quaint venues – the perfect setting to begin a lifetime of memories.

Congratulations on Your Engagement!

Our beautiful family farm has been the site for hundreds of weddings just like the ceremony for Ashley and Sam. We truly enjoy sharing this tranquil setting with others.

There are several wedding venues available at Whippoorwill. The Chapel of Peace can accommodate a smaller, more intimate setting, but the chapel’s front lawn can be used for ceremonies with of guests. Other venues include an area with a rustic fence, a meadow with a bamboo forest backdrop, and a Civil War Officer, Captain Lindsay Ferguson’s home place.

Please contact Whippoorwill Village if you would like to make an appointment to visit and discuss having your ceremony at our beloved farm.

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Contact Information

11928 NC Hwy 268 W Ferguson,
NC 28624

Mailing Address:
PO Box 458 Ferguson,
NC 28624


Phone: (336) 973-3237


Photography : Courtesy of various photographers
All images are copyrighted to their respective owners.